On behalf of the Albany Berkshire Ballet, I would like to thank you for your generous support. With your help, we can continue to bring the best ballet programming to our community.
This year, we are thrilled to announce that following our annual Nutcracker tour, ABB will present a Spring season featuring Paula Weber’s Carmina Burana, a powerful work set to the music of Carl Orff. Performances will be in March at the Colonial Theatre in Pittsfield and on tour in Springfield, Massachusetts, and Albany, Syracuse, and Ithaca, New York. We are proud to note that Melanie Comeau, a Pittsfield native who performed Clara in ABB’s Nutcracker, was a principal dancer in Carmina and is now performing in the Broadway production of Outsiders.
This Spring, we will also be creating a new work entitled Voices in collaboration with Berkshire Music School and Choices Mentoring Initiative for youth. Funded by a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Voices will be developed and performed as part of Process and Performance, an ABB project launched in 2018 to support composers and choreographers.
Investing in Our Youth: 2025 marks the final year of our American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant from the city of Pittsfield. This grant offers low-income youth the opportunity to study dance and perform. We need to continue to offer these scholarships for students across Berkshire County and engage the next generations of artists. With your generosity we can sustain this program. Your investment helps support our mission.
Please help us reach an all-time new goal with your financial support. Donations are tax-deductible. Once again, we are very grateful for your contribution to the development of our programs. Thank you for considering a tax-deductible donation to the Albany Berkshire Ballet.
Warmest Regards,
Carl Sprague
President of the ABB Board of Directors
If you have questions, please feel free to contact one of the campaign coordinators: Debra Goddeau, 413-281-7572, debra@albanyberkshire.org
Gifts are tax deductible:
The Albany Berkshire Ballet., USA non-profit organization under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue